East Washington Borough will hold the monthly council meeting at the Borough Building (15 Thayer Street) on Monday, January 13th, 2025, with Agenda, at 7:00 PM (EST). Residents are invited to view the meeting at the Borough building or join via ZOOM.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 834 0263 7766
Passcode: 186829
Public Comment Period
The public comment period will follow the Pledge of Allegiance. Any person from the public may speak for a 3 minute period. The total time allotted for public comment is 15 minutes. When you are called upon, please state your name, address, and subject. Residents who wish to listen and/or participate via ZOOM should check-in by 6:55 PM if they wish to speak. To speak please state your name, and if you plan on participating. Following confirmation from the moderator, please mute your phone until you are called upon.
Please note that all participants will be muted at the beginning of the meeting. If you are participating by phone to unmute yourself you need to type in *6
- Motion to hire Eric Holt as police chief
- Update on transition from Republic to Bigs/Earthwise
- Update on 510 East Chestnut
- Approval of Resolution #001 – Schedule of Fees
- Approval of Resolution #002 – Tax Levy
- Approval of Resolution #003 – Local Match
- Motion to appoint Gary Stout to the Zoning Board for a three year term ending December 31, 2027.
- Motion to appoint Sara Althouse to Park and Shade committee for a five year term ending December 31, 2029.
- Motion to authorize purchase of new printer from Ford Business
- Motion to authorize purchase of a storage shed for Nicholas Cumer Park
- Timeline for Lemoyne Ave Zoning Change Request
Executive Session for Personnel