East Washington Borough will hold the monthly council meeting at the Borough Building (15 Thayer Street) on Monday, March 4th at 7:00 PM (EST). Residents are invited to view the meeting at the Borough building or join via ZOOM.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 246 040 8902
Passcode: ewboro
Audio Only:
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 246 040 8902
Passcode: 800043
Public Comment Period
The public comment period will follow the Pledge of Allegiance. Any person from the public may speak for a 3 minute period. The total time allotted for public comment is 15 minutes. When you are called upon, please state your name, address, and subject. Residents who wish to listen and/or participate via ZOOM should check-in by 6:55 PM if they wish to speak. To speak please state your name, and if you plan on participating. Following confirmation from the moderator, please mute your phone until you are called upon.
Please note that all participants will be muted at the beginning of the meeting. If you are participating by phone to unmute yourself you need to type in *6
Old Business
- Update on changes in fee schedule
- Openings for boards and commissions
- Motion to authorize Terri Gladus to prepare two MS4 grant applications at a cost of approximately $2000.
- Further discussion of parking ordinance changes
- Posting council meetings online
- Update on trash contract talks
New Business
- Greenways, Trails and Recreation program will be expiring on 6/30/2024. The Borough has $5,336 remaining. It can only be used on equipment and the amount is reimbursed at 85%. The deadline for the receipt of a letter requesting use of the funds is March 6, 2024. Vote on spending up to the grant amount to install 6 benches at the playground with the borough to provide a 15% match.
- Vote on installation of new telephones
- Planning commission update on February 28th meeting
- Discuss joining the Washington County Chamber of Commerce
- Park Event Funding
- Allow Joseph Fulton to reach out and contact companies and organizations to fund park events based on the recommendation from Terri Gladus.
- Discussion and possible vote on adding a second meeting each month at a regularly scheduled time
- Comcast franchise contract
- Vote on continuation of assistance with QuickBooks & accounting
- Approval of letter of support for a comprehensive park planning grant being applied for by the City of Washington that would include East Washington. East Washington would be responsible for paying for 15% of the cost of the planning project if the grant application is approved. Expenditure likely in 2025.
Executive Session for Real Estate