Call to Order President Jerad Cypher called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
Roll Call Attendees: Michael Gomber, Mayor, Jerad Cypher, President, Mary Taufer, Vice President, Council Members-Tamara Chacko, Absent Charles McHugh, Matt Boice, Chris Mascara, Chris Furman for Solicitor Dennis Makel, Secretary, Sandy Motichak
Pledge of Allegiance Lead by President, Jerad Cypher
President Cypher: Do I have a motion to approve the minutes?
Motion Chris Mascara, second Charles McHugh to approve minutes February 6, 2017 and Continuation of meeting February 13, 2017. Motion passed.
President Cypher: Do I have a motion to approve the bills in the amount of General Account $32,622.39 PLGIT $2,562.85
Council Member Tucci: Chris, Do we approve the bills before we pay them?
Mary Taufer: Right.
Matt Boice: I still think it would be wise of us as a Council to approve that situation so we are all on the same page so we are all aware of it or if we give authority for a bill to be paid prior to the meeting prior to the state of meeting.
Mary Taufer: But I think we approved a bid at the meeting.
Matt Boice: Yes, but when we approved a bid was it under the condition that we pay it, what I am saying is that we should have all that up front on the table. I think for the record that would be a wise thing to do.
Chris Mascara: Are we talking about the water proofing? That’s been approved. I thought we voted on that. When we approved the bid, I thought we approved everything.
Matt Boice: That’s just what we want to make sure, is all I am saying, we don’t want anybody getting hot or, no offense, no pun in there, or anything else. I know in other organizations I have been at, when we are on a summer hiatus, we give permission to pay as they normally regularly come in.
Chris Mascara: Bills always have to be approved. Those don’t have to be approved.
Matt Boice: But what I am saying, for the sake of our Council, and to be up front we should be sure that when at all possible that everything gets appropriated. I just think that anyway.
Motion Chris Mascara, second Chuck McHugh, to approve bills General Account $32,622.39 PLGIT $2,562.85
1. John Bevec camera presentation (POLICE)
2. Bright Light Enterprises – Salt Lot presentation (PUBLIC WORKS DEPT.)
Jerad Cypher: Especially the bills. Guest Speaker, first we will have Joyce Ellis which is our Library Representative.
Joyce Ellis: Thank you for the opportunity to represent East Washington Borough. I feel I can take a lot of votes on some things. I’m excited. I plan to ask Diane Ambrose to meet with new members of the Board. And I will be requesting to be on the subcommittee that is reviewing and/or changing the Library Bi-Laws as to adding new people to the committee. And abide by the bi-laws because they may not have been followed. Thank you.
John Bevec – 16 camera system. Whoever has access to the system, the idea you have the power to do that. Cameras placed should deploy most of the borough. Placed on power poles. They have day/night high resolution. There is a network –video servers. Can archive events for 30-45 day storage. Train officers. Can set up with input from officers if blind spots, can add additional cameras.
Discussion continued with Council asking Mr. Bevec about the cameras. Questions pertaining to catching speeders, blind spots from the line of site of the cameras. How many cameras are needed in the borough? Maintenance and warranty.
Mr. Bevec responded that you would be able to see the person but certainly not the color of their eyes. The system is a proven system. The City of Washington has the cameras and three fourths of the cameras are on the PA Turnpike. Cameras are placed on the poles. There are no operational fees. Mr. Bevec did not have a fee for a maintenance agreement that evening but would provide the borough with a maintenance agreement if necessary. The cameras are warranted with 2 year warranty – work. 1 year warranty-full advanced replacement.
Other camera information below:
5-10 years – other than power surges- exposed to nature.
5 days to install
Server in on battery backup.
16 cameras, $49,878 installed (1 year included)
Chief has detailed bid.
Chris Mascara: Addressed Council with 2 different Proposals and give an explanation to get power at this building and to the salt lot. 2 different bids – power to the salt lot power $1,639. Have to excavate Mr. Dunlevy’s yard.
Josh – Bright Light Enterprises attended the meeting to answer any questions. Electric and Plumbing.
Chris Mascara: We have a lot of stuff at the Salt Lot. We have to excavate all the way up at the Salt Lot to Beau Street. Sarah has done some drawings, she is not here. So I can give you an overview. But that all depends on you guys because we are getting into other work. That’s all going to tie in together. Meet with the waterproofing bidder Friday, because the low bid is so low – Yurkovich so I was just blown away by it. So we want to get started on the electrical work here in the building. Especially Josh’s bid, they are handling all the. Do you have that right in front of you?
Josh: Yes, the salt lot.
Mayor: Before we move forward, what lighting do we need around the building?
Chris Mascara: Lighting behind the building. Sandy parks her car back there.
Mary Taufer: Well worth it. Sandy parks her car there. Protect her.
Mayor: How much is the building?
Josh, Bright Light Enterprises, and Chris Mascara: $3552
Josh: It covers Outlets, Lighting in the basement, steps up the walkway so you don’t have to crawl.
Mayor: I understand, for that amount of money, that’s too much. For that amount of money, what are we doing converting that into an office?
Matt: We have no hot water running upstairs. This would help as part of that too.
Mayor: Commented, Should not vote tonight, too much money-needs to be reduced.
Chris Mascara: I have copies of everything we have here.
Jerad Cypher: Do we have Knob and tubing in the building right now?
Matt Boice: As most of the houses in the borough are. That’s because we are doing renovations. Basically 70% of the houses in the borough are out of compliance.
Cheryl Amodei-Mascara: That is correct.
Guy Tucci: If they sell, then they are going to have to get it fixed.
Chris Mascara, Anyway, Josh’s bid is pretty comprehensive. I will get copies out to everybody. Thank you. Aaron and I will talk. Thank you very much.
Question from Nancy Weiss, East Chestnut Street. Between the February and the March meeting was additional meeting, how does that comply with the Sunshine Law.
Matt Boice: Before we get to far, at the end of the January meeting and also at the end of the February meeting, the meeting took so long because we wanted to hear everybody talk, and we had a lot of business to continue, so in January we had to continue the meeting and required to continue and the same thing happened again in February. I don’t believe we were in any violation of sunset laws.
Mrs. Nancy Weis asked and that’s in the minutes I suppose. Matt Boice: Yes they are in the minutes. Before we get into a long discussion.
Mr. Douglas Corman: North Wade – questioning the speeding in borough. Running stop signs
Guy Tucci: Talking about speeding, they are questioning whether speed traps work. It is very, very difficult to control. You have to have two people, two officers. Actually we put stripes and we tried to do that. We put stripes.
Matt Boice: You have to see both of them and you have to have two people. I agree with the same thing, Doug.
Mayor: I agree, I have 2 officers on from time to time.
Matt: I have been raising the issue Beau Street since the Wal Mart went in on Beau Street. It’s Beau Street.
Chris Mascara: Our Mayor is in charge of the police force, perhaps you can talk to him about some more enforcement.
Chris Mascara: North is a state road and Beau is also a state road, so we can’t control those.
Doug Corman: Told Council regarding the Library, that members of the community raised money for the Library but the Council is not off the hook.
Chris Mascara: Set up a fund, Board was not involved in that, we didn’t vote, somebody at the last meeting talked to us, spent some time with us. That is the last time.
Mary Taufer: What was it two years ago, I set up a donation, so I went around, and one, you remember the OR (Observer Reporter), if you remember the article with the contract or $20,000 said the board was dysfunctional and God only knows what all. So, all of a sudden we are thinking to ourselves, hey, at the first meeting, I don’t know if you were here. One person volunteered. Bill Cameron and he.
Mayor: Cheryl was basically going to do that and Bill Cameron was going to help.
Mary Taufer: Right
Chris Mascara: I called Mr. Cameron the next day and I voted against, let me finish, that I was against the Library, that I was in favor of funding for the library in some other fashion. Petition can’t be any better. Because you don’t know next year people from, actually there were people from Maryland. But at the end of the day, I told Mr. Cameron this, I voted against the library not because of any up beats that I saw, I voted against the library because what is important to me right now is of the overwhelmingwhelming surge in the borough not 1%. Show me there’s 30 % or 50% vote against it. No I am just telling you.
Mary Taufer: Next year we will look at it again.
Mayor: You need to be aware, there is additional things we helping the library with.
Action Items
Discussion – Motion to authorize Code Officer to revise Chapter 42-Park and Shade Commission Ordinance.
Cheryl Amodei-Mascara, Code Enforcement Officer: Basically all I did was, she is up in the air (talking about Reca Panian) on the commission.
Mary Taufer: She resigned from that commission.
Cheryl Amodei-Mascara: We basically adopted an ordinance that went out …and I would like Council to consider reducing the Park and Shade Commission members from 9 to 3. Under Administrative- the Commission can use their budget to hire an Arborist to determine diseased or dead trees in the borough.
Cheryl Amodei-Mascara: This is draft, it is not formatted properly.
Chris Mascara: I make a motion to approve this Chris Furman, does this have to be advertised?
Mary Taufer: But it is not complete yet.
Cheryl Amodei-Mascara: right now…
Matt Boice: Before we advertise, was there another part of another ordinance that you also needed to fix? Can we do it at the same time?
Cheryl Amodei-Mascara: Well, that is going to take me quite a long time. I need this done. Let’s get this done now. I need this commission. It will help me develop this new tree ordinance.
Matt Boice: I move to motion second by Chis Mascara, to advertise this amendment to the Chapter 42 Park and Shade Commission ordinance. (Solicitor to amend Ordinance) Motion passed.
Motion Mary Taufer, second Matt Boice to approve Code Officer to attend trainings – Webinars-trainings April 19, 23, 2017. Cost is $45.00 Motion passed.
Chris Mascara: Good Night Aaron, Take care. Everything alright, buddy.
Public Works – Chris Mascara, report at end.
Police Department
Discussion about police following the school bus.
Chuck McHugh: I never see them and I walk a lot.
Matt Boice: So think about this, on the average one patrol person, right. So if a bad guy knows that during these hours, the police follow the school bus and that is a regular every day occurrence, then they can go do this in that hour because they know the police are busy following the school bus. So then it is an up and down if and then situation.
Chuck McHugh: It’s just to draw the connection that same connection. We probably have the same amount of personnel or less personnel.
Matt Boice: I brought it up to Dave, I didn’t see any police on Beau Street on Halloween night. My concern is the traffic on Beau Street.
Cheryl Amodei-Mascara – May I make
Chris Mascara: We want to see them. (referring to the police)
Mary Taufer: That is a good point.
Charles McHugh: The children outside of Gray Alley, that is beside the point. What bothers me is nobody sees those kids come barreling down that hill.
Mayor: They do a good job. Again, I am satisfied with what they do.
Discussing Sidewalk ordinance between a few Council Members
Mayor: I also asked Cheryl to work on those things with the?
Mary Taufer, they replaced their sidewalks. They were right next door to me.
Mayor: No, That is correct, but getting one basically citing these people.
Discussion continued between Council members and Cheryl Amodei-Mascara: regarding specifications to the sidewalk ordinance and Mayor Gomber asking if his comments were in the sidewalk ordinance as he had requested.
Matt Boice: No, we voted on an ordinance, but I don’t remember if there was language about certain size cracks or anything like that.
Discussion continued between Council, Mayor and Code Officer. It was determined that the original ordinance 291 was unchanged.
President Jerad Cypher: I think if it is not in there, then it should be specified. What, does anybody have any suggestions?
President Jerad Cypher: I can’t recall if it is in there or not, I just feel to be on the safe side, I think we should defer.
Chris Furman: Wait, wait, let’s be honest, we need to see what it says. Don’t pass anything that is contrary.
Cheryl Amodei-Mascara stated Ordinance No 521 of 2014 was PENNDOT specific. All I did was change 521, I didn’t change 291. The language was changed so it was not engineer technology.
Cheryl Amodei-Mascara: We wanted somebody to go out and put their own sidewalk in.
Mayor: We wanted people to understand the language.
Discussion regarding parking on the street when street sweeper is used. Charles McHugh suggested Aaron put up signs or notice not to park on that side of the street during a certain day or time so that he could sweep the street.
Question arose as does that have to be done by ordinance or impose a temporary order. Chris Furman stated he would get back to council with the answer.
Council discussed an option for Code Enforcement Officer to have an intern to assist her with rental inspections. Chris Furman: You want someone to ride along with you or do you want somebody to help you identify properties? You guys can create a task force.
Chris Furman: Task force is good, I like those, that way you can get a group and get your …I would imagine you would need volunteers for that from the community. Who is going to volunteer?
Mayor: If I got freed up, I would help you with the inspections.
Chuck McHugh: Sign me up, provide a check list of things.
Cheryl Amodei-Mascara: That is something else, I can go through
Matt Boice: They did sewer lines on Beau when I first moved in there is a funky little spot on the sidewalk where there used to be a tree. We aren‘t going to kill the tree, but we are going to make the sidewalk do this around the tree and then as soon as that was done, the borough got money to put in handicap sidewalks. And they tore up the sidewalks again. I don’t want to go through this and pay for it if is going to happen because I am not throwing money out the window because they are going to fix it.
Cheryl Amodei- Mascara: The only place that I know of that they are talking about going through is Wilmont.
Chris Mascara: That is not until next year. Found out something interesting, Wilmont has new gutter pipes. Something in the works about .pave this year, it might be wise to wait til next year.
Chris Mascara: I don’t know. We have a culvert to fix on the other side.
President Jerad Cypher: What ever happened to the LED lights?
Mary Taufer: What happened was they don’t flood out, they just show directly down. For example, my street has one light. Very dark
Chuck McHugh: Cut a check, there was a program.
Chris Mascara: Everyone has a copy of Sarah’s email. Sheraton Ave. Waiting for information from ACA regarding the retaining wall design. Bidding in April.
First Item: Salt Lot Culvert: culvert is buried 4 feet. Not permitted to go in there and the fact that every time it rains that entire area above floods. Culvert is gone. There is basically a damn down there.
Chris Mascara: This is not cost, this is for bids.
Mary Taufer: I make that motion, second Matt Boice for approval for Sarah to prepare for bids pipe installation. Motion Passed.
Matt Boice: Basically raise the culvert up so we have enough volume to handle the water.
Chris Mascara: No, Mary, it’s a trickle, every time it rains, the whole thing floods.
Chris Mascara: I really honestly don’t care about the Salt Lot improvements, in advance. The NPDES. Basically this permit would allow the borough o work on that site without having to continually apply for small permits. In other words, if we wanted to throw anything down there, if we wanted to put a pavilion down there, we talked about doing a recycling area down there, roadway through there, all that would be covered with this permit. I think it is a really good thing, I think we should really.
Chris Mascara: Engineering fees.
Chris Mascara: That’s my thoughts. Once again, this is all new to me. I haven’t done this before. Sarah thinks it’s a good plan. I have confidence in her, so I think it’s a good plan.
Motion Mary Taufer, second Chris Mascara, to approve Widmer Engineers to apply for the NPDES permit not to exceed $4,000-$6,000. Motion passed.
Chris Mascara: Other things, like I said are all related to getting lighting and power to the site. We are getting bids. Of course we talked to Bright Light about all the work down there.
Chris Mascara: Because where the location is, they have to put in an add-in for the power. Where it is going to go? We think, Mary, we did a pretty good job on all the planning.
Chris Mascara: Council can vote as they please.
So we have a couple resumes here and will look them over. I like nepotism, I’m voting for nepotism because obviously we can’t afford these other guys.
Chris Mascara: That’s way over kill. I think he just needs a..
Matt Boice: How much does he use it? (referring to new computer and printer for Aaron, Public Works Department)
Chris Mascara: He uses it a lot now.
Mayor: About $1600-$2000
Matt Boice: A Dell computer, medium end, $500 – $600.
Mayor: What does he need, Excel, Word, what else?
Chris Furman: Who is going to be doing the buying?
Motion Matt Boice, second Chris Mascara, to have Vice President Mary Taufer and President Jerad Cypher to research a new computer/printer for Aaron Lucero not to exceed $1,500. Motion passed.
Council Members:
Discussed above
Mayor Michael Gomber
Solicitor * Chris Furman: Mr. Makel will be advertising the SALDO for adoption at the next meeting.
* Letters will be sent out for no exceptions to trash service.
Old Business
Adjournment Motion Matt Boice, second Guy Tucci, to continue the meeting at the call of the President.
Call to Order President Jerad Cypher called the meeting to order at 1:00 pm.
Roll Call Attendees: Jerad Cypher, President, Mary Taufer, Vice President, Council Members-Tamara Chacko, Matt Boice, Guy Tucci, Secretary, Sandy Motichak
Pledge of Allegiance Lead by President, Jerad Cypher.
Motion Matt Boice, second Tamara Chacko to authorize the purchase of a borough cell phone and borough cell phone service for Code Enforcement Officer, Cheryl Amodei-Mascara. Purpose for this is so that the Code Officer needs to have continuing/direct communication, and utilize mobile phone since.
Service not to exceed $100 per month and phone not to exceed $200. Vice President Taufer will contact Verizon to set up the service and check to see if Verizon will offer a free phone with a 400 minute per month plan. Motion passed.
Discussion with council members regarding transferring the Police Department downstairs and Matt Boice suggested estimates of cost be presented at the next meeting. Cost for waterproofing, electrical work, plumbing, etc. Meetings with vendors, contractors for estimates will be scheduled within the next week or so.
Matt Boice stated he responded to a letter received from Maggie Bodman, age 10 on behalf of the Borough. Maggie visits her grandmother in the summer and loves reading and often goes to the Citizens library during her visit. She expressed her concern and asked for continued support of Citizens Library.
Copy on file in the office.
Matt Boice also discussed speeding and traffic on Beau Street. He noted that Sarah Boyce, Widmer Engineering, Inc. told Council there was not enough speed limit signs on Beau. He received information from Brandon Neuman and a contact from PENNDOT, Gary Barber. He told Council he would draft a letter to Mr. Barber regarding East Beau Street, and email the draft letter to all Council Members. If no further comments or response from Council Members, he would send the letter on behalf of East
Washington Borough. Council agreed.
Motion Matt Boice, second Mary Taufer to continue the meeting at the call of the President.
Submitted per recording.