East Washington Borough
Council Meeting Monday, July 2, 2018 7:00 pm
Call to Order President Matthew Boice called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
Roll Call Attendees: Michael Gomber, Mayor, Matthew Boice, President, Harold Hartger, Vice President, Absent Council Members-Charles McHugh, Jerad Cypher, Dawn Petrosky, Maryann Weinstein-Absent, Timothy Hurney-Absent, Solicitor Dennis Makel, Rich Rush, Widmer Engineering Secretary, Sandy Motichak
Pledge of Allegiance Lead by President Matthew Boice.
Motion Jerad Cyper, second Chuck McHugh, to approve June 4, 2018 minutes as amended, approve General Account Checks in the amount of $51,041.14 and Liq Fuels PLGIT Checks the amount of $524.90 and approve the reports as submitted. Motion passed.
Engineer Report- Rich Rush. Mr. Rush said work to begin on the Wilmont project within the next few weeks. President Boice then stated he met with Mr. Rush and the Contractor, Mr. Slusarczyk regarding the curb and sidewalk work on Wilmont. President Boice provided a recap of their meeting and his observations on Wilmont.
Council discussed the Wilmont project.
Motion Jerad Cypher, second Dawn Petrosky to follow the procedures listed below:
- Authorize a member of council and/or Mayor to contact the Pastor of the First Christian Church, 615 E. Beau Street to discuss the removal of a tree which is accordance with the East Washington Borough Ordinance No. 318 – Trees. Immediately after the meeting with the Pastor of the First Christian Church, Council and/or Mayor will advise remaining Council member the results of the meeting. Proceed to the next procedure if necessary.
- Code Officer, Gerald Coleman will write a letter on Thursday, July 5, 2018 to the First Christian Church that the tree must be removed within 10 calendar days.
- If the First Christian Church does not remove the tree within the 10 calendar days, East Washington Borough will remove the tree and bill the First Christian Church the cost of the removal of the tree plus a 10% fee.
- In the interim, President of Council will contact 3 vendors to get quotes not to exceed $1,800.00.
Cypher–yes, Petrosky-yes, Boice-yes, McHugh-No. Motion passed.
GUEST SPEAKER – ROB PHILLIPS, Redevelopment Authority of Washington County.
Mr. Rob Phillips gave a brief presentation of the Land Bank. A power point transcript was provided to Council prior to Mr. Phillips attending the meeting. There are several municipalities, such as Charleroi, North Beth Township, Marianna Borough and West Brownsville Borough that are currently members of the Land Bank. The purpose of the Land Bank is to help municipalities reduce blight. Statistics reveal municipalities lost tax revenue, show reduced property value to surrounding properties, and loss in investment and economic development due to blight. There is no timeframe for joining the Land Bank. Initial cost is $1,000.00 and every year thereafter is $250.00. The Land Bank decides which properties to acquire based on needs and community objectives and will work with the Municipalities. Municipality and School district share the cost of taxes at 50% each for 5 years or until property is owned, demolished, rehab or leased. Objectives of the Land Bank are to reduce blight, increase tax base, improve quality of life, reduce crime and improve the health of resident.
President Boice thanked Mr. Phillips for his time and his presentation of the Land Bank.
Council discussed a Weight Limit study for all of the roads in the borough. The concern is the excessive weight of the garbage trucks in the borough damaging the borough roads. Council will consider language in the next waste hauler contract to address the weight of the garbage trucks in the borough. The cost of a weight limit study may be $5.000 – $10,000. President Boice suggested further investigation of the road weight limit study and possibly build it into future budgets.
Council Members – Reports Submitted to Council Prior to Meeting
- Matt Boice, President-None
- Harold Hartger, Vice President – Absent
- Jerad Cypher-None
- Tim Hurney-Absent
- Charles McHugh– Mr. McHugh asked Mr. Cypher if he would contact West Penn regarding some LED street light not replaced in the borough. Cypher said he would contact Mr. Durr immediately to resolve any LED street light issues.
- Dawn Petrosky– None
- Maryann Weinstein – Absent
Motion Jerad Cypher, second Chuck McHugh to reconvene the meeting on Tuesday, July 17, 2018 at 7:00 pm.
Motion passed.
Sandra Motichak