Call to Order President Guy Tucci called meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
Roll Call Attendees: Guy Tucci, President, Mary Taufer, Vice President , Council Members- Tamara Chacko Kelley Dickson, Bob Dickson, Charles McHugh,, Cheryl Amodei-Mascara – Absent, Dennis Makel, Solicitor, Michael Gomber, Mayor, Secretary, Sandy Motichak
Pledge of Allegiance Lead by President, Guy Tucci
Motion Kelley Dickson, second Tamara Chacko, to approve the February 16, 2015 minutes. Motion carried.
Motion Bob Dickson, second by Kelley Dickson to approve bills of $ 24,427.26 General. Motion carried.
Public Comment
Tom Shade, 115 Christman Ave. Mr. Shade gave a brief history of a paper alley behind his house and the issue of the storm sewer under his driveway. Before 1999 the slab for his driveway sunk. He brought the council, his concerns and at that time the council president was Jeff Bull. He stated in 2011 he had to fix the problem and paid $5,600 for repairs to his driveway. Mr. Shade asked the council to address the problem again and request some restitution for the repairs. Mr. Dickson indicated he look into the issue within the next couple of months and follow up with Mr. Shade.
Mary Oleary, 624 E. Beau Street. Ms. Oleary had no concerns but was just attending the meeting.
Reca Panian- 89 Christman Ave. Park & Shade Committee. Ms. Panian requested the mulch and new seats and chains for the playground. Aaron Lucero, Supervisor, Public Works department said he would order new chains and swings for the playground and mulch. Ms. Panian also asked when new street signs would be put up in the borough. Mr. Lucero said that Stop Signs were ordered and were to be put up first in the borough. Signs ordered through US Municipal Services.
Harlan Shober, Washington County Commissioner. Mr. Shober wanted to attend the borough meeting and get acquainted with council. He also indicated he will be running for office again. He was attempting to attend as many borough and council meetings as possible. He provided some insight to some issues that the borough had and said he would look into grants and work with the Redevelopment Authority. Council Member Cheryl-Amodei Mascara is to research grants for the borough. Discussion continued and he told council he is opposing Governor Wolf’s legislation regarding the severance tax. If the Act 13 Impact fee diminishes local municipal governments will lose the revenue.
Gene Vittone, District Attorney, Washington County. Mr. Vittone told council of his task force and round the clock booking center and the changes he made to his department to operate more efficiently. He presented the Borough with a check in the amount of $347.00 which was drug dealer forfeiture money. The council commended DA Vittone for his work and his task force and for the check.
Jim Kohler, 129 North Avenue. Attending the meeting.
President’s Message – None
Secretary – Statement of Financial Interests must be completed by next meeting March 16, 2015
Public Works – Discussion with council regarding PENNDOT and paving Wilmont to the pool Beau to North Wade. Supervisor Aaron Lucero said that PENNDOT would not do paving again, there is less dept of curbs. It was done with slurry seal. It is a newer substance, micropave. Supervisor Aaron Lucero requested that inlets need to be replaced on North Ave. before paving in done at a cost of $1,000.00 each. Also, check into a new leaf box for the truck. To be on next month’s agenda. Bob Dickson suggested to council that the need for a plow on the new riding tractor would make sidewalk maintenance easier for the borough in the winter.
Motion Mary Taufer, second Chuck McHugh to purchase a plow for the new John Deere riding tractor.
Motion carried.
Police Department – None
Code Enforcement Officer – Report on file in office.
Council Members:
* Guy Tucci
* Mary Taufer – VP Mary Taufer said she spoke to West Penn Power and they will cut branches and limbs where it interferes with the wires on our roads.
* Tamara Chacko – Ms. Chacko suggested a school zone sign be placed at the Christian school on Beau Street. It may slow down traffic. Current speed limit is 35 mph. President Tucci stated it is state road and he will attempt to call PENNDOT, however, he believes that was requested before and no sign was put up.
* Robert Dickson – Stated above
* Chuck McHugh – Stated above
* Kelley Dickson – None
* Cheryl Amodei-Mascara
Mayor – None
Solicitor Agility Agreement
Action Items
* Discussion or Motion to authorize Republic Waste to do trash billing for East Washington Borough for 2015. Discussion continued and several council members do not want to extend Republic Waste contract an additional 2 years for billing services. It was stated it should go out for bid and leave options open.
* Motion Mary Taufer, second Tamara Chacko to reject the proposal submitted by Republic Waste.
Motion carried. Solicitor Makel suggested the borough contact Jordan Tax Service to do the garbage billing for East Washington Borough. Vice President Mary Taufer will contact Jordan Tax Service.
* Motion to authorize to repair and sell Public Works Yellow Truck. Supervisor Aaron Lucero stated the
Leroy () managed to get the truck to the garage. Truck repairs could be $6,500 but road worth to be able to sell it.
* Motion Mary Taufer, second Tamara Chacko to authorize Carol Schllilinski, Deputy Tax Collector for East
Washington Borough. Motion passed.
* Motion Mary Taufer, second Tamara Chacko to authorize Full Time employees trade day after Christmas holiday with Good Friday this year only 2015. Motion carried.
* Motion to Mary Taufer, second Bob Dickson to authorize Aaron Lucero, Public Works Supervisor, to attend ESM-Dirt, Gravel & Low Volume Road Maintenance Training on May 6, 7, 2015 at the DoubleTree Hotel in Washington, PA (Free to public entity employees.) Cert.valid for 5 years. Motion carried.
* Motion to Bob Dickson, second Kelley Dickson, to authorize contribution of $500.00 to Washington Area Fireworks Committee for 2015. Motion carried.
* After discussion, motion was made by Mary Taufer, second Tamara Chacko to pave Sherman Avenue at no cost to the borough. Roll Call Vote: Mary Taufer, yes, Tamara Chacko, yes, Kelley Dickson, nay, Bob Dickson, nay, Chuck McHugh, yes, Guy Tucci, yes. Motion carried. Mary Taufer will also check to see if PA American Water will pave private driveway for resident.
Old Business
Discussion regarding Mark Geary and garbage pickup.
Motion Mary Taufer, second Guy Tucci to deny Mr. Geary’s request for front door pick up. All residents are to place their garbage at the curb. Motion carried.
New Business
Executive Session Motion Mary Taufer, second Kelley Dickson to enter Executive Session for Personnel Reasons at 8:35 pm. Motion carried.
Council discussed pension for Ron Miles. Motion Mary Taufer, second Bob Dickson to authorize 1 unit reimbursement in the police pension plan for Ron Miles for the year 2015 in the amount of $3,872.00.
Motion carried. Solicitor will get in touch with Anthony Pinto, PMRS.
Motion Guy Tucci, second Tamara Chacko to adjourn meeting at 8:41 pm. Motion carried.
Respectively submitted,
Sandra Motichak, Secretary