East Washington Borough will be appointing a new council member to fill a vacant seat. The remaining term of the vacated seat runs until the first Monday of January 2022. Responsibilities include preparing for and attending all borough council meetings as well as participating on committees as needed. Council meetings occur 1-2 times a month. Please view the event calendar for scheduled dates.
Interested candidates should submit a letter of interest, a CV, and answers to the questions listed below by 2 pm Friday, January 15, emailed to secretary@eastwash.com with the subject line “Council Seat.” Materials can also be dropped off at the borough office or sent through the US mail to Sandy Motichak, Secretary, East Washington Borough, 15 Thayer St, Washington, PA 15301.
Included in the submission, please answer the following questions:
- Why do you want to serve on the Council of East Washington Borough?
- What types of skills and knowledge can you bring to help the East Washington Borough Council with its planning and decision making?
- List/describe any areas of concern you might have about the borough regarding infrastructure, administration, operation, or maintenance.
Please contact the Borough Secretary at secretary@eastwash.com if you have any questions.