East Washington 2023 Recycling & Waste Service Guide
Recently there has been some confusion regarding trash and recycling with our garbage collector Republic Services.
Garbage Collection
Garbage should be placed in a properly secured container with a lid in 60-pound bins or less and/or plastic bags 35 pounds or less. If you are a renter, please encourage your landlord to supply adequate garbage containers.
Bulk Items
An item that is too large to be placed in your regular curbside trash container is considered a bulk item. Bulk items include furniture, lamps, rugs rolled and tied in lengths not to exceed 48 inches, mattresses, and large appliances without freon. Please note that empty paint cans and/or dried paint are accepted.
Each resident is limited to 2 items per week and should be placed at the curbside. If your item is not taken, please contact Aaron Lucero, the public works supervisor at (724) 797-5698.
Unfortunately, most waste collection companies are limiting what can be recycled. Plastic #3 – #7 are no longer accepted and should be placed in the waste container. Republic does not accept glass in recycling. East Washington has partnered with South Strabane providing a glass recycling drop off. Click here to learn more about the glass recycling program.
Recycling is collected every other week. The full recycling schedule can be found here. Please do not put recyclable items in a plastic bag.
If you do not have a recycling bin, a sticker can be picked up at the Borough office building and placed on any waste container. A few stickers are available on the bulletin board outside of the Borough office. Please contact Alyssa the Borough Secretary at (724) 222-2929 before visiting the office.
Televisions and other electronics will not be picked up. The Borough will post any upcoming collection event for interested residents looking to dispose of old televisions and other electronic devices. These events are not affiliated with East Washington.