The Borough of East Washington is looking for residents who are interested in filling the vacant seats on the following committees:
- Zoning Hearing Board – The board is established to hear appeals on the validity of the zoning ordinance or map or any decision of the zoning officer. In addition, the board has the power to grant variances and special exceptions to the ordinance.
- Planning Committee – At the direction of the governing body the planning commission may be required to prepare a comprehensive plan for the borough, to prepare and make recommendations on an official map, and to prepare land use control ordinances including zoning ordinances and subdivision and land development ordinances.
- Park and Shade Committee – Oversees and participates in matters relating to the planning of recreational activities and shade tree management as prescribed by the Borough Code.
- Vacancy Board Chairman – The Vacancy Board chairman convenes the vacancy board, if necessary, to fill any vacancy for the office of the Mayor, Borough Council, or Tax Collector by death, resignation, or removal.
To be considered for a seat on any of the committees use the contact form below. The Borough will stop collecting applications on February 29th at noon. The council will review the applications and appoint residents during the March Council meeting.