On Thursday, May 27th Mayor Demond Nixon swore in Michael McCormick to the Council of East Washington. Michael McCormick will fill the vacant seat on Borough Council fulfilling the remaining term that expires on the first Monday of January 2022. We asked Michael to provide us with a short bio to introduce him to residents:
Meet Michael McCormick
Although I grew up on the “city end” of Lockhart Street, I have maintained working relationships and friendships with East Washington Borough residents for many years. Throughout middle school and high school I shoveled snow and maintained properties on LeMoyne Avenue, and I worked as a lifeguard at Elmhurst Swim Club during my high school and college summers. After graduating from Washington High School in 2009, I studied at Purdue University and worked out of state for several years before returning to Western Pennsylvania. I moved into the Borough in early 2020 and currently live on LeMoyne Avenue. I am employed as a landscape architect with Gateway Engineers in Pittsburgh and have been with the company for three years. My background in landscape architecture includes a broad range of experience that incorporates elements of community design, planning, aesthetics, and the environment to create successful places for people to live, work, and play. My work in the Pittsburgh region has focused on parks and recreation design, higher education projects, infrastructure improvements, grant writing, and public safety. East Washington is a unique community that balances a rich history with areas for growth and improvement, and I believe that our best days are ahead of us. I am excited about the opportunity to share my knowledge and work with the mayor and council members to improve the lives of East Washington Borough residents.