In 2017, East Washington Borough submitted for renewal of their state issued permit for their storm sewer collection system through the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) known as the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Program. This renewal is valid for five (5) years and provides guidance for the Township to meet state and federal requirements relating to stormwater management throughout the Township. Items that are addressed by the program include public education, operation and maintenance of public facilities and up-to-date mapping of the overall system. The Borough was also required to submit a Pollution Reduction Plan (PRP). The PRP for the Borough outlines several areas that will be utilized to reduce the amount of sedimentation that is contributing to stream impairment. The Borough has five (5) years to implement their current plan in order to meet the permit requirements.
East Washington Borough is seeking to assist the residents of the borough to improve our current stormwater situation. The DEP has provided a new guideline document that helps to clarify what property owners and municipalities can and cannot do on their properties relating to streams, culverts and bridges. The overall guidelines are included as the following link: [see above]. If you have a stream located on your property, you may complete any of the tasks located under the “Green” section of the document without permitting required. Continual maintenance of a stream on your property can help to reduce bank erosion and flooding as it will provide the stream with a clear flow path.
If you look to seek further information relating to stormwater, please contact our office. Additional information is available by accessing the link below: