Nicholas Cumer Park will temporarily close on Monday, May 23, 2022, reopening in late June. The park will undergo an upgrade that includes new playground equipment, a parking lot with handicap spots accessed from Hemlock Lane, and an accessibility path from Thayer Street to the pavilion. The Borough asks residents to keep out of the park during construction. Next week, Public work will dismantle the current park equipment. The Borough will donate the equipment to The Dreamers Company.
The Borough was awarded a $75,000 grant through the PA DCED Greenways, Trails and Recreation grant program and has pledged to utilize the $40,000 of the CDBG funds to act as the match to the project. The grants were awarded based on the plans submitted and approved by Council on April 6, 2020.
The Borough worked with the Redevelopment Authority of the County of Washington (RACW) to ensure that the funds are appropriately used per the guidelines of the CDBG program. CDBE funds must be utilized only for ADA improvements to the park. With the two awarded grants, the Borough has $115,000 to put towards park improvements.