East Washington Borough Trick-or-Treat hours will be on Saturday, October 31, 2020, from 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM. We ask that residents adhere to the following recommendations:
- Residents who are not comfortable with giving out candy should turn off their porch lights or post a sign. For those who are trick-or-treating please do not approach these homes.
- We recommend that if you are handing out candy please be outside and distribute treats from your driveway or porch in such a way that you can remain 6 feet away from trick or treaters. If possible, homeowners should provide a one-way path to and from the house.
- If you are participating in trick or treat in any way (distributing or collecting treats) wear a cloth mask that covers your nose and mouth. (Halloween costume masks are not recommended.) Wash or sanitize your hands frequently.
- Parents and guardians walking children around the Borough, please wear a mask when approaching a home. Please carry a bottle of hand sanitizer with you.
- Please stay at least six feet away from other people not in your group.
- Please distribute only enjoy pre-packaged candy and other treats. Homemade treats should not be handed out or consumed.
- For more information on how to protect yourself during Trick or Treating and other Halloween activities visit the CDC Daily Health Page
Please be safe and have fun!